Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Review of Confessions of a Contractor (CBS)

 I actually read this project thinking I would never see this since Confessions of a Contractor didn't meet its cast contigency, but I just found out that it was rolled over to mid-season, meaning that if this time they find the perfect lead, Confessions of a Contractor will have a good shot at getting made.

This script was penned by Richard Murhy, the same person who wrote the book that I didn't read (I did order it though). The writing wasn't brilliant and I encountered a few mistakes that made my eyes bled (and I'm not picky with spelling, English isn't my first language therefore I can't really be) and I'm guessing the novel didn't get published because of the writing but for the compelling story-lines, and it looks like it's going to be the same for the pilot (hopefully).

The project revolves around Henry Sullivan, a blue-collar Los Angeles based contractor quickly becoming Mullholland Drive's mascot. I'm guessing each episode will be a new home and a new story, and even though I found the first storyline weak, the characters and the universe will probably be enough to make me come back every week.

The fact that Shawn Ryan is attached to the project only reinforce my excitement. This is why I was first interested in this project and why I'll follow it until the end like I did with The Shield. Confessions of a Contractor is centered around a very compelling and complex character, Henry who happens to have this vision for decoration even though he apparently didn't get a proper education. He's surrounded by his team who also became his family over the years, two Hispanics brothers who pretend not to speak English to avoid talking to anyone and Erin, his right-arm, who seems to know him way too much. 

 Except for the principal storyline that was in every way too easy, all of the interactions were working well, the eccentric team was interesting to follow and that universe where nothing is what it appears to be was really compelling. We finally might see what's happening up on these hills through a mature vision.

All in all, Confessions of a Contractor was an okay script with a great concept and some fascinating characters, now all we've got to hope is that CBS doesn't kill it after three episodes because it wasn't mainstream enough (if it ever makes it to the screen).